So in a few months the four of us will be thrust together once again for a few nights of fun and games, and I know we won't be getting that catch-up time I hope you all want as much as I do. The idea of being around you guys but not being able to converse with you about all things important to me is not cool. Justin, I really wish there had been more time for us to talk alone the last time I was in Orlando. Talking on the phone is alright, but there's nothing like a face to face emotional talk with my boys. Jeff has mentioned us all meeting up in Graceville for a weekend this summer and just talking, and I am all for that. However, I really need to let you guys know where I am right now in my life, if for no other reason than because I trust your input, and I know you care about me. So without further ado...
I don't think theism is my thing anymore. I've been done with Christianity for a while now, but I've only just recently come to the point where I feel any idea of a "creator" is foolish. When I really sit and think about theism objectively, I see an idea that somehow managed to survive the dark ages, unlike many of its counterparts. I see a money-making scheme that has been modified countless times to stay on top of society's current scenario. I see a system of beliefs that is so judgmental, that it refuses to see the pride in its own position. I see a collection of humans that are so inept, they have allowed fear and ignorance to overpower discovery and intellect.
There was a time when I would submit to the idea of religion being an "overall good," with a small minority of fanatics blemishing the system for all. But now I can truly see how not facing the truth has held humanity back past a breaking point. For too long we have seen ourselves as separate, or above, the earth. Subsequently, we have become our own center of the universe.
I flew to New York two summers ago, and for the first time, I felt at peace with dying. I realized the inevitability of life, and the potential I was throwing away at securing a place in a mythological dreamworld. There is so much more out there to see and do, and I am humbled every time I learn something new. I am happy to be a part of the system of the earth, and I cannot wait to see what happens next, but I refuse to spend the rest of my time here worrying about it.