Saturday, April 25, 2009

How do you fit 300 Jews into a Volkswagen Beetle?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thanks for letting me come drink at your wedding Jared Allen.

I think the weekend of weddings and open bars was one of the best times I have had in a long time. Seeing all you guys was really good for me.  I felt like our friendships are just as strong now as they were back in Graceville days. Granted we have all matured and our paths dont cross as often as we would like, but I think it makes us enjoy the times they do even more.

I think the beauty of our friendships is that we are always honest with each other. We all obviously have different views on faith, religion, good music, if Jeff's hair is pretty, and in my case..monogomy.  However I don't think it has affected how we relate to each other. I think it all makes for some great debates, and I know I took alot away from the conversations I had with all of you that weekend. I just wish we could all hang out more often.

Mike told me once we got back to Orlando that this was one of the best weekends he has ever had in his life, and I think it really helped him with his situation.  Ryan said he really enjoyed getting to know you guys, though he may never come back to Jacksonville since Carl tried to molest him.

All I have to say is that I really miss you guys. I wish we all lived closer in proximity. At least we have this blog and the phone right? I also wanted to ask what you guys think of maybe inviting Mike to write here as well?  Let me know.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go take a ride on the Confederate Railroad. Have a day.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Let's Review

Jed is now Jared.
Justin rocks the Confederate Railroad.
Jeff has pretty hair.
My new glasses were approved of by Jared.
Scott gained 5 pounds!
Mike has walked away from Airwalks.
Ryan ain't nobody's monkey.

Jared does not believe in God.
Justin believes in a smoke break savior, depending on when you ask.
Jeff extends his friendship to these unbelieving ones.
The verdict is still out on me.
Scott is not orthodox.
Mike's faith has been made stronger by BS dealt him of late.
Ryan subscribes to belief in trans-humanism.

Jared loves a hot woman, depending on when you ask.
Justin accepted an invitation from Carl to go clubbing.
Jeff loves a black woman, depending on when you ask.
I'm getting a divorce, if you listen to Neil.
Scott does not understand the question, "how's married life?"
Mike did not invite me to his wedding, but did invite me to the after-party.
Ryan has sexual relations with milk.

Jared has been consistently employed longer than any of us.
Justin is an independent film producer or starving artist, depending on when you ask.
Jeff is good at his job, but would rather be someplace else.
I am unemployed and anxious.
Scott is a teacher at risk of losing his job.
Mike considers EMT school.
Ryan needs no employment as Cyborgs eat whatever and sleep whenever they like.

Jared has recently moved back to Jacksonville.
Justin will remain in Orlando.
Jeff knows not what tomorrow holds.
I vow to never move again.
Mike likely will move to Orlando.

Jared is married.
Justin shudders at the thought of marriage.
Jeff has many questions.
I vow to never marry again, unless Donna dies and then probably within a week.
Scott tries to find a loophole so he can marry a church father.
Mike holds steady.
Cyborgs don't marry, they decimate the ones they love.

And we all live happily ever after...until we die and then who knows?!?

Love you guys,

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Events Forthcoming

So I wanted to touch base with you guys about next weekend. I spoke with Jeff the other day and I realized I hadn't really been as informative as I could have been. So here goes..

The wedding on Saturday starts at 5:30, the only thing to worry about there is a drawbridge that's on the road. Sometimes it can raise for 20 minutes whenever a boat comes, so be prepared and come early.

But.... On Friday we are still having a party at my place. I know I have mentioned it to all of you before, but I was a little too generous when handing out spots at my place to stay. So far we have four people staying at our place and we can't really handle anymore. If we had a house and more than one bathroom, it might be different. I know I told you guys you could crash here but believe me when I say you guys aren't the only ones I've had to call and correct that with. I feel like an idiot, but oh well.

Needless to say, I would loooove for you guys to be here on Friday night. I know Mike won't read this so I'm counting on Justin to pass this along. I've already talked to him about it, but I've been told you're his transport. There will be six of you total I guess (Mike is bringing a friend in place of his ex-bitch) and I figured you could get together and work something out to everyone's benefit. That being said, I understand if any of you can't make it. Times is tight and so are vaginas. I will miss you but I'll see you on Saturday.

So discuss this and comment and let's see what can get worked out. All my very gayest love.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where the awesome movies are...

So this be the trailer for that new Spike Jonze joint. I hope this movie turns out as epically dramatic as this clip. It's got an acoustic version of one of Arcade Fire's best tracks. Good stuff, what do you guys think?