Monday, June 29, 2009

Bofunk in Podunk

Been hanging out with the mom and the brother and our new pup, Jasper, a miniature schnauzer.
Put Donna's grandma in nursing home this week. No other option. She's adjusting well but raises hell when she sees or talks to any of the family.
Won a name your own toy-based movie contest. Am waiting to see if I win the same contest on Slate.
Was thinking of you guys yesterday and the proof is I bought you something from the candy aisle. So, I need your addresses. And if you can, supply me with William Michael's also.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I was thinking of you. I appreciate our friendships very much and it makes me smile to remember how comfortable I am around you all. Here's hoping we get to see each other soon....
