Monday, May 4, 2009

I Don't Know What You Want From Me

So, gentlemen sans Mike, here we find ourselves together again. I want to quickly express that I enjoyed seeing you three fellows. Spending time with you guys, whilst smoking and drinking, make for an enjoyable weekend. I love you guys and I hope you know it.

Jed: Congrats on marrying a girl who truly makes you happy. I hope your life together gets better every year.

Justin: I enjoyed our conversations. It almost felt like skipping BCF chapel and eating IHOP.

Chase: Thanks for keeping me company on the trip. I'm glad we don't fight like old married people any more. Thanks for listening to my shit.

I have discovered that I was not accepted to any school I was applying to for doctoral programs. So, now, I do not know what I will do. At the moment, I am staying in the crime-filled (and now the newest cases of Swine Flu) New Orleans. I will get a job promotion and find a new place to live. I'll let you know if anything changes.

I saw Death Cab For Cutie Saturday night with Matt Costa and Ra Ra Riot. This was not my first time seeing them live, but it was the best. I'll leave you now with this:

"We're not the same dear as we used to be. The seasons have changed and so have we.
There was little we could say, and even less we could do. To stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you." - Death Cab For Cutie


Jared said...

Sorry to hear that bro, I hope that you get help somewhere....

Anyways, this is clearly a sign that we should meet this summer for sure. Any ideas on a time? Justin and I were thinking sometime in June.

Holla back!

Jeff Watkins said...

If I don't go to my class reunion, latter June would be good. My birthday is the 25th!

Chase said...

yeah we're going to get together for your birthday after that stunt you pulled on me...telling me the wedding was a giant surprise for me.

so, i'll mark my calendar. june the latter.

everyone agreed?

Justin said...

Sounds good to me. I look forward to it.

Jeff Watkins said...

I am not going to my class reunion. Late June?