Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Rundown Lowdown

In case I didn't tell you on the phone, I'm so into conforming right now. That being said, let me do what Justin did...

1. The last few years have consisted mainly of working at Lenscrafters and putting up with Evelyn as she finishes school.... Of course I'm joking, but it has been a trying time and I am very thankful that she is graduating this May. We are still very much in love, celebrating our fifth year together, and preparing for our wedding next spring, which I hope you all will attend.

2. I've been playing lots of video games lately, some of my favorites being Call of Duty 4 and World of Warcraft. I was very excited for a time about BioShock, a game I have since bought and sold, yet I will always stand behind it as the greatest game of all time. It was truly a work of art if a video game can be called such.

3. My reading has fluctuated with my school attendance, revolving almost entirely around comics and R.A. Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt saga. Salvatore has created some amazing characters so far in this series, and in 20 books so far, I'm on #16 and going strong. I've read all the comics Justin mentioned, with Y: The Last Man being my favorite. Y's writer, Brian K. Vaughn has recently started writing for my favorite tv show ever, Lost. And here's one you can appreciate Justin: I own every single issue of Walking Dead from one to current, and #2 is signed by Tony Moore!

4. My drink of choice is 108 proof Wild Turkey bourbon and my pipe of choice is filled with ice water. My current codeword for marijuana is "Teddy Ruxpin." I'm not sure if that means I really am in love with Jeff or not.

5. The last five albums I've loved, and in no particular order, are as follows: Autumn of the Seraphs / Pinback, The City the Forest / Julius Airwave, Carmina Burana / Carl Orff, Cease to Begin / Band of Horses, and Dead Ringer / RjD2.

6. Since Justin set the stage to only recommend one movie, I'm going to have to stick with my guns and go with Beowulf 3D. I know, I know it sounds lame, but if you had a chance to see this in the theater in 3D, you know what I'm talking about. It was a fine piece of movie and even made me forget I was watching CG every once in a while. And who doesn't love a partially nude Angelina Jolie?

7. We've had a cat for three years now named Pops. His name was officially Thepope, but then the real Pope died and we changed it. He's also very fat. Not as in also I am fat, but as in also his name was Thepope.

8. I own at Guitar Hero.

9. My hair has gone from down to my nose, to the Brad Pittish trim and everywhere in between. It currently resides almost entirely in the vicinity of what you see on my profile page.

10. My future plans involve moving back to Jax this summer and attempting to open a video games/comics hybrid store with my friend Clinton. I am very excited and very nervous, and hopefully I will one day post a picture of our Grand Opening on this very blog.

If you skipped to the end of this post instead of reading everything, at least go back and read #8, and then cower before me.


Chase said...


Justin said...

I must agree, Beowulf was amazing. And I am coming over to steal your "Walking Dead" collection!

Justin said...

Oh...I forgot to mention, Bioshock is one of the greatest games I have ever played. The atmosphere was amazing, although I did find the ending a little weak. I got the 'good" ending, but I have heard that the "evil" ending was much more interesting.

Jared said...

I actually played through the game twice, and I wouldn't exactly call either ending "lame," although with such buildup in the game I can see how you could be disappointed. The important thing to remember is that the journey was amazing. Would you kindly consider that?

Justin said...

Actually yes I do consider, and accept that. Getting to the ending was an amazing trip, I was just a little dissapointed in the resolution. However, the use of plasmids and actually getting to wear a suit of the Big Daddy armor, made for one hell of a time.