This is so hot to me
Last week my 98 Firebird got hit by a drunk driver. It's a very long story and I will glady tell you about it in detail over the phone sometime. Just not wanting to go into the whole story on a blog. What I will say is that I was super upset, I really loved that car and I knew the other insurance company would total it out. I was sitting at a light behind a car, and I got hit from behind, and then my car hit the back of the car in front of me. Keep in mind this was around 2 am on a Wednesday morning. Thankfully, no one was hurt but I was directed to stand across the road and wait while the Police did their protecting and serving. After an hour of standing by and chain smoking an entire pack of menthols, I finally got to go home. My car barely made it to my complex, and it was pretty much the last time I got to drive it. The damage to the rear of the car was rough. The metal frame of the car was actually smashed in! So long story short, I was looking for a new firebird.
The insurance people call me today, and my check for the car is going to be $3500. The killer thing is: I only paid $2900 for my car! This really made my week. I've already found a new firebird I am looking at tomorrow. It's an 86 red beautiful car! It has new EVERYTHING on it. So if all goes as planned, I should have a new car by tomorrow night. It's funny how even when something really bad happens, it can still work out good for some people . Kinda like how George Bush was for comedians. (I know he's gone, but I cant let the jokes die!)